Backyard Tropical Paradise

Today’s gardeners can create a lush tropical paradise right in their own backyards. Whether you live in Maine or the heartlands of America, you now have access to a wide variety of tropical plants.


Yellow Hibiscus

Plants to create your tropical paradise

Want to add more sizzle to your gardens? Then turn up the heat with some spicy and bold shades. Tropical annuals such as portulaca and Mexican sunflowers add pops of color to the landscape.  And best of all, they can really take the heat. Containing your passion may be tough, but consider using planters and urns filled with zone 10 favorites such as hibiscus, gardenias, dipladenia and mandevilla.  Coleus are a great way to add a splash as they are available in many different combinations of bright colors. The variegated leaves of crotons are also a terrific way to add tropical color. With containers, any gardener can create a tropical retreat. And best of all, most of these plants can be overwintered indoors. And what a great way to make those cold, harsh winters more enjoyable.

It doesn’t take much to transform your deck or patio into an island inspired backyard tropical paradise. Start with the basics – palms. Next add brilliant bougainvillea, bright pink mandevilla, blue or purple duranta, fragrant gardenias and jasmine. All can be grown in containers and supplemented with annuals such as geraniums, verbena, lantana and pentas. Complete your tropical look with brightly colored New Guinea impatiens or choose from a wide variety of supertunias.


Water Feature, Pond, WaterfallWater & Wicker

Since we’re talking tropical, don’t forget the alluring sound of water. A simple tabletop water feature or a large, elegant fountain can help create the perfect mood in your tropical paradise. Or you could go all out and build a pond and waterfall.  Add some wicker chairs and you’ll feel as if you’ve arrived at an exotic port of call.


Creating your own tropical paradise has never been easier. Our staff is always ready to guide you and to provide more ideas. You’ve got the inspiration…now let’s get growing!